
The smallest national park in Uganda is the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park located in the southwestern corner of the country. The park covers three forested Virunga Volcanoes and forms part of the Virunga Conservation area that spreads over Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The park is not only of importance to the mountain gorillas that inhabit the dense forest but also for the endangered golden monkey. Abundant wildlife and awe-inspiring caves make for adventurous sightseeing, hiking, bird-watching and of course, primate trekking.


Mild to cold and wet weather dominates the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, its high altitude contributing to it being one of the coldest destinations in Uganda. The weather and climate fluctuate, due to the variation in altitude.

Generally there are two dry seasons, the first from December to February and the second from May to August. June and July has the least amount of rainfall.

March to April and September to November are the wettest months, during which the park is often covered in mist and air is damp. Hailstorms during the rainy months are common. Although the rain makes conditions more difficult, the rainy seasons offer better views, as when the rain stops and the mists lifts, the skies are clear and views are magnificent.

Getting There

Visitors can fly into Kampala, from where they can board a charter plane for a flight to Kisoro airfield.

Ideal Destination For

  • Adventure
  • Bucket List
  • Safari
  • Solo Travel

Points of Interest

Virunga Volcanoes

The Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is home to three of eight extinct volcanoes in the Virunga Region. The volcanoes’ slopes are rich in diverse ecosystems, and their peaks don’t only form a striking background to the spectacular scenery, but also phenomenal vantage points to see the surrounding area from a different angle.

The park is of great cultural significance, specifically for the Batwa, the indigenous hunter-gather tribe who were the first people in the forest.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Activities