
In Botswana, a maze of lagoons, lakes and channels covering and area of over 17 000 km2, form the world’s largest inland delta, the Okavango Delta. Every year the flooding Okavango River feeds the delta and transforms the desert into an oasis teeming with both wildlife and birds.

In 2014, the delta was added as the 1000th UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Okavango Delta is an important area protected by the Moremi Game Reserve and numerous wildlife concessions within Ngamiland. The unique wetland ecosystem made up of a mosaic of papyrus swamps, waterways, floodplains, lagoons and forests is home to 2 500 species of plants, 65 fish species, 20 large herbivores and their attendant predators, and more than 450 species of birds.

Game viewing, fishing, photography, night drives and walking safaris are unparalleled here and gliding in a mokoro (a traditional canoe-like vessel) to view the animals drinking, is an experience of sublime beauty and wonder.


Winter occurs from April to September and during these months, days are generally dry, sunny, clear and cool to warm. Evening temperatures however can be cold. Very little to no rainfall occurs. During this time, animals concentrate around water sources, which makes viewing easier.

Temperatures start rising in October, signalling the transition to summer, which ends again in March. In October, just before the first rains, the temperature is at its highest, and from end November the rains cause the temperature to drop. Afternoon thunderstorms are common, and they dissipate after a few hours. Scenery is greener, and plenty of animals with their newborn young, as well as migratory birds, can be spotted.

Getting There

Maun International Airport is Botswana’s busiest airport. It is set at the edge of the Okavango Delta. You'll transfer to light aircraft for the final leg into the delta and then usually a short 4x4 drive to your accommodation. Less often, transfers could be via boat.

Ideal Destination For

  • Adventure
  • Bucket List
  • Romance
  • Safari
  • Solo Travel
  • Special Interest

Points of Interest

Moremi National Park

The Moremi Game Reserve which covers one-third of the Okavango Delta is home to some of the densest concentrations of wildlife in Africa. It has a distinctly dual personality, with large areas of dry land rising between vast wetlands and is home to the Big Five and incredibly varied and rich birding. The reserve protects one of the largest remaining populations of endangered African wild dogs, and is arguably the best place in Africa to view the rare and secretive Pel’s fishing owl.

Chief's Island

Chief’s Island is the largest island in the Okavango Delta. Fertile plains produce a wide diversity of vegetation, habitat to dense wildlife, including one of the largest remaining populations of elephants and hippos in Africa. Plains game, wildebeest, buffalo, giraffe, predators and birds seek refuge on this island during the annual Okavango flood. Some of these animals are resident on the island throughout the year.

Paradise Pools

Paradise Pools in the Moremi deserves its name – a beautiful place with tranquil, shallow pools, rimmed by forests of dry acacia woodland. It is a tranquil spot to spend time in the sun, while watching antelope species drink.

Dombo Hippo Pools

An elevated observation post overlooking hippos crowding along the shore is a fun way to observe the mischievous creatures play and bathe in what is also called the Hippo Jacuzzi. The pools are situated in the Moremi National Park.

Okavango Panhandle

Almost as soon as the Okavango River reaches the Botswana border, it starts to form channels, twisting through thick green vegetation, dense papyrus and reed beds before it fans out into the Delta. This relatively underdeveloped section sees elephant and buffalo pass through at times, and aquatic antelope roam here. This is a great area for fishing and birding, boat-based activities and mokoro trips.

Okavango Delta Activities

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